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Image by John Peters
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Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I enroll in treatment at The Galynker Center?

To schedule an evaluation or an appointment with one of our clinicians at the Galynker Center, please contact us at (646) 850-2290 or

Who is a "Treatment Partner"?

A “Treatment Partner” can be anyone that knows you well and can accompany you to your evaluation, as well as stay involved in your ongoing treatment. Treatment Partners are usually parents, significant others, siblings, and friends.

Do you accept insurance?

Please note that we do not accept any insurance. Our fees are competitive for New York City and are insurance reimbursable. If you have “out-of-network-benefits” as part of your insurance plan, some services may be covered in part or in full. 

What happens once I complete my evaluation?

Once you complete your evaluation and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder has been confirmed, you and your evaluating clinicians will decide if treatment at the Galynker Center is the best and most appropriate course of action. If it is, your evaluating clinician will design a unique treatment plan that will be tailored to your specific situation.

Do I have to have a treatment partner if I am a client in the Galynker Center?

Yes. Involvement of family and/or other loved ones is something we believe in very strongly, and it is also what makes our Center unique. We believe that the stability and health of our clients’ relationships with the people who are closest to them are an indispensable component of successful treatment outcome.

What are your fees?

Our fees can vary greatly, depending on the services that are being provided. Please call us for more information regarding fees and payment options.

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